Tomato Leaf Sunburn- What To Do Next?
No, it’s never acceptable that your healthy tomato leaves are getting sunburned. Although tomato plants aren’t high maintenance, extreme UV rays can always hit them. But don’t confuse it with sunscald, which actually means the extreme heat stress on the bark or fruits of the plants. So, what should you do about tomato leaf sunburn?…
Russian Olive Thorn Injury- What Happens Next?
It’s a matter of concern if you’ve been poked by Rassiun Olive thorns. If it’s as serious as you have pain, swelling, redness, and even infection at the injury site, it’s a must to take necessary action. Although there’s no medical condition known as ‘Russian Olive Thorn Poisoning’, a thorn injury from a Russian olive…
Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Folding?- 4 Reasons to Explore!
Watching your favourite banana plant leaves folding down along the leaf ribs hurts; I can relate to you. It can be a natural plant behaviour if your plant gets plenty amount of direct sunlight throughout the day. Yes, heat is the biggest reason for your banana plant leaves to fold or bend. Also, over or…
Why Is My Purple Passion Plant Droopy?- 4 Reasons!
Although the purple passion plant is tough enough and requires less maintenance, it can wilt or get droopy if you fail to give enough attention to the plant. Since you’re here, chances are you’re missing any of the important steps of caring for your purple passion plant. You may wonder, why is my purple passion…
Why Is My Zucchini Plant Falling Over? What to Do Now?
I almost cried when the string and tall stems of my zucchini plants became so weak that the whole plant fell over. It hurts, I know. If you’re going through this, know that you can revive your plants. So, why is your zucchini plant falling over? How can you get your healthy plant back? Lack…
Can You Use Miracle Grow On Seedlings?- Know The Facts!
Whether you’ve heard on the radio that using Miracle-Gro on seedlings is a good idea, or you want to use the leftover Miracle-Gro on the seedlings, it’s not a wise decision because recently germinated seedlings are too sensitive. Yes, you’ve heard me right. So, whenever it’s about ‘Can you use Miracle Grow on seedlings?’ No,…
Why Is My Cactus Turning Light Green?- 6 Reasons to Know!
Don’t panic if you see your cactus change its color. From my experience, my cactus was nice green, but the next growth was pale green. At first, I noticed the light green on the top of my cactus and then the overall growth didn’t feel okay to me, and I panicked, thinking, ‘Why is my…
Can You Trim Cactus Needles Without Hurting It?
Whether you want to remove the diseased and damaged parts of your plants or you just want to get rid of the cactus needles for your aesthetic gratification, is it even possible to trim cactus needles without damaging the plant? Yes, you can trim cactus needles without damaging the plant. You need to use a…